Do you struggle with procrastination? If so, you’re far from the only one; with our to-do lists growing daily, the percentage of people who procrastinate chronically has increased over the last few decades.

There’s a difference between procrastinating and prioritizing. Great entrepreneurs know how to put the most important tasks first. There’s also a difference between procrastinating and being overloaded with tasks; that’s another problem called delegation (or lack of it), and that’s a topic for a later article.

If you need a little motivation doing the things you’re procrastinating on, here are five quick tips. Even if you aren’t a procrastinator, these tips may boost your productivity.

  • Check your willpower.

Think of your willpower like a tank of gas that you use up every day. By the end of the day, it’s gone. If you leave certain tasks until the end of the day when you have no willpower left, chances are you won’t get them done. Instead, re-arrange your schedule so that you complete the more onerous tasks on a full tank of willpower, usually in the morning.

  • Set an internal deadline.

You might respond well to external deadlines when everyone is watching or there are consequences for missing them. If so, then make your internal deadlines external ones by announcing them to the world. Having friends ask you about the deadline will push you to keep your promise.

  • Treat your success.

If you completed the task you have been procrastinating, then stop and reward yourself. Your reward should be personal, something you enjoy. Perhaps it’s a spa day, a movie during the week, a long lunch with friends, or just a leisurely walk.

Hopefully you will want more rewards, so you can set a new one for the next tasks you complete.

  • Break it down.

Sometimes procrastination is the result of feeling like the project is just too big. If you have a large project looming ahead, break it down into smaller pieces that you feel are more manageable.

  • Find your “power hour.”

Everyone has a time of day where they perform the best. For early risers, it’s the crack of dawn. For late night owls, it’s past sunset. Find the time of day where you have the most energy and motivation, and plan your difficult tasks accordingly.

Almost everyone procrastinates on their least favorite tasks. Let these tips help you boost your productivity and reduce your procrastination.