“Time is money” as they say — if you can save time, you’re also saving money. But since your time is limited, saving both personal and business time is profitable. Here are eight ways to save time (and money) for your consideration. Go through all of them with an open mind, and see which ones might work best for you.

  1. The trip to the grocery store

If you’re making several trips to the grocery store throughout the week, you’re far from the only one. Try cutting down on those trips by taking regular inventory of your kitchen and seeing what you’ll need for the week (or longer). Shopping once a week will save precious time. This Today article might help you decide the best time you should go.

Better yet, have your groceries delivered! Services like Peapod and Shipt will do just that. Some shops will also pick and bag your groceries for you, so your selections are ready for pickup at a time of your choosing. You can even hire an assistant to shop for you so that your refrigerator and pantry is stocked when you get home.

  1. Appointment scheduling

Automate your appointment scheduling and you’ll free up weeks of admin time for either you or your staff. There are dozens of apps, many industry-specific, that can help you save time making appointments. Once you’ve set it up, send the link to the people you’ll be meeting, and voila, it will appear on your calendar.

Here are a few to check out:

For field service companies in the home repair or maintenance industries that serve commercial and residential customers, Google “field service scheduling” to get the right software for your business.

  1. Office supplies

If you haven’t already done so, you should also consider ordering your supplies online and having them delivered. W.B. Mason and Quill are two of the most popular services that do this.

  1. Email interruptions

Turn off the automatic send-and-receive function in your email software to get rid of that nasty interruption. Then mark three or four times per day in your calendar to check and answer your emails. You’ll go home happier and feeling more in control of your work with this one change.

  1. The commute

If you can manage it, working from home one to two days a week can save you commute time. You may also be able to avoid rush hour by altering your work hours if you have some flexibility. After all, it’s your business.

  1. Errands

Getting all your errands done in one day will save precious time on your other work days. Choose one day a week for outside errands and personal appointments so that you can get into the habit of this for the long term.

  1. Takeout

Do you go out for lunch every day? You may need the break on some of those days, or you may need to have that power lunch with a new business partner or client. But on days you don’t, have takeout delivered so you don’t have to waste time ordering and standing in line.

  1. The bank

Are you going to the bank constantly? If so, you can avoid it in a number of ways:

  • Take credit cards, and have clients pay online. Google “merchant services” for ways you can do this easily.
  • Ask your bank about remote or mobile check deposit options.
  • Hire a company to transport your cash deposits — Google “cash logistics” to find companies with armored car services. It won’t hurt to find out how much it costs, and you might be surprised.

Do you have an idea on how to save time? If so, share it with us so we can add it to this post! We’re always looking for ways to help our clients and other businesses find ways to save both time and money, especially ways they would have never considered otherwise.